Monday, March 10, 2025

Ride Report - Sunday 9th March

Sunday's ride started in glorious sunshine at The Queen's Stage in Effingham, a venue which was sadly not so glorious as it kept various cyclists waiting for / chasing up / cancelling their drinks orders. 

The route was a simple enough pedal along some of my favourite lanes around Farley Heath and Shamley Green to land up in Guildford for lunch in 'Spoons, and then on another 10 miles via Mayford and Send to Pinnocks in Ripley. Ride stats as follows:

Cyclists at elevenses - 19! Graham did not continue, Terry joined for the first few miles

Groups needed - 2. My thanks to Simon for jumping in to sub-lead the 2nd group, overcoming various technical challenges to download the route, and to Jennie, David W and Andy for back-marking

First-time C&M riders - 3. Audrey and David have often met us for elevenses, but this week joined for the whole day. Karl joined as far as lunch where he discovered a puncture and headed home to fix it without an audience

Previous abandoned route attempts - 1, in 2023 when there was torrential rain 

Percentage of time spent actually at the front of my group - maybe 70%, as they sped past me on both the uphills and the downhills

Incidents - only 3 that I know about (my chain coming off, the puncture and a kerfuffle on the A3 footbridge) 

Uphill sections - potentially 3? (Greene Dene / between Shere and Farley Heath Road / Littleford Lane) 

Wrong turns - at least 2 from me, supplemented by inordinate amounts of faffing

Sub-groups deviating from the route - 1, according to photographic evidence on WhatsApp! (See below)  

Photos taken - loads, but none with everyone in as they kept scattering like kittens 

Hours of sunshine - 6 (from arriving at elevenses to leaving tea plus more either side)

Cyclists having fun - I think everyone judging by the comments, and I hope to repeat the route another time in warm weather 

Some of the group before we left Queen's Stage

Some of Group 1 in action

Group 2 doing their own thing!
(photo credit: Simon)

Group 1 obscuring the view from Park Road

Miscellaneous group members after lunch
(photo credit: Andy)

Miscellaneous group members at tea

Thanks to everyone who joined for all or part of the ride for making it a great day out. 




Friday, March 07, 2025

Invite for Sunday 9th March

Sunday's ride will take us from The Queen's Stage in Effingham along scenic lanes into Guildford, via Green Dene, Shere, Farley Green, Shamley Green, Blackheath and Shalford. It's a route I had planned and recce'd some 18 months ago, but never got to lead so am very much looking forward to sharing it with you. 18 miles to lunch, all on road with a couple of ups and undulations which will be all very familiar to our regular cyclists.

After lunch we have the challenge of getting out of Guildford, and for this I have concocted a route out of something David W did the other month, heading through Jacobs Well and Westfield, before diverting east through Send to Ripley for tea, nearly 10 miles in total and again all on road and flat.  

Let's hope the weather forecast doesn't change and we can enjoy some Spring warmth. 

Please message me or email if any queries, GPXs available on request.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Sunday 2nd March 2025

11's at Bocketts, where we assemble,

Cheaper with your own mug....if you remember.

Blue sky & sunny, with a chill in the air.

Caroline & Steph, what a lovely pair!

Norbury Park was where we were heading.

Mud & puddles.....what some were dreading.

We emerged unscathed, ready for Logmore.

Catching our breath....a reason to stop for.

Directing the crew, atop of Anstie.

Lovely views, I think you'd agree. 

Down the hill, Ruby was waiting.

Around the table, our hunger abating.

Bacon & chips, scrambled egg too.

Thanks to Diane, for my lovely brew.

Bike upturned, a broken spoke you see.

Keith & Simon to the rescue, to them I say merci.

Lemon Drizzle beckoned at 51 Degrees North.

A new café I'll be using...henceforth.

A great day out, fine company too.

To those who joined me, I say thank you.

Photo credits - Dave & Clive.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Info for Sunday 02/03/25

 Hi all,

11's - Bocketts Farm (opens 10am).

Lunch - Rubys Café, Capel

Tea - 51 Degrees North, Mickleham

Need to knows:

1. There is some off-road (Norbury Park, NCN 22, Drovers Road).

2. There is a big climb (Logmore Lane/Boars Hill).

3. There are views (multiple locations).

4. There is homemade Lemon Drizzle Cake (51 Degrees North).

5. It will be sunny (multiple sources).

The route:

GPS available on request

I look forward to your company.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Annual Lunch - final check

Dear everyone,

If you're coming to the Annual Lunch on 5th March please visit the Wayfarers blog to check your order.



Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Mystery Ride to Putney - Sun 23 Feb

Unexpectedly, I led today's ride because David W was indisposed.   He had done all the hard work: planned the route, arranged for warm, almost spring-like weather, and mustered a good crowd of people at North Cheam, including Colin Q who was just joining us for elevenses.  So I offered to lead a group of twelve, and Colin and DW set off for home.

At the Hamptons

In the event, it went quite well, although I didn't know where I was most of the time, recognising odd bits.  We stopped when we saw something interesting and quite often one of the group was able to fill us in on the details:  the Hamptons, built on an old sewage works and now a picturesque New England style estate with a big park; past The Rutlish School, previously the home of John Innes of compost fame. (I didn't see the house number but surely it would have been No. 1, 2 or 3?).

Then followed  an extensive tour of Wimbledon where we had plenty of time to admire many lovely houses, several little alleyways, and a bonus 'berg - a rather steep hill up to Wimbledon Common - followed by a beautiful descent with great views of London, before we almost did a circuit of the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis club, home of the championships.   Soon we smoothly arrived at our second Wetherspoons of the day, the Rocket at Putney.

Putney Bridge in the background

We've had mixed experiences of the service at The Rocket, but this time I think everyone was served reasonably quickly and soon we were back out on the road, minus Dave V and Niall who made their separate ways home.   I got a bit lost around Barnes - I suspect I missed an easy route across the railway line - but the peloton was very forgiving, and we were soon crossing Richmond Park, into an increasingly strong headwind.  Most people headed for home from Ham but four of us continued to Hampton Court.   Andy wanted to see if we could get into The Tiltyard cafe at Hampton Court Palace, and we were told that we needed to buy tickets to the palace to visit the cafe, so that was a no.   Instead, Dish did us proud.   As we left, we felt the first spots of rain.  I hope everyone got home safely and not too damp.

Just three dishy blokes at Dish

Many thanks to David for such an interesting route: get well soon!   Thank you to all who joined us for all or part of the day for your company, to Jennie for back-marking - essential for quite a large group, and also to Andy for the photo.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday 16th February 2025

 I can't believe I'm typing this but today's train assisted ride went remarkably well, perhaps Jennie has good reason to not entirely agree with that statement though.

Five riders, Graham or "G" as he likes to be known, Diane, Jennie, Simon & myself assembled on a freeeeeezing cold platform 3 at Surbiton Station for the 9.30am to Farnham which on this day, became the furthest point you could travel on this line except if you were happy to faff around getting a "replacement bus service" to Bentley or Alton ( no bikes allowed ofc).

A few minutes from the station & we were ensconced in Jo Neuro's Café happily supplied with sustenance & chatting with Dave W & Patrick W who had.......ridden down ! 

"Wot? saying they rode down?"

Yes I am. 

Kudos to those two men right there.

We were shortly joined by Bernard & Sabina + Brian G too, who had kindly driven down to avoid over capacity on this 4 coach train.

Double figures for a train assisted?


Progress was good as we left Farnham & continued on recently resurfaced roads around Rowledge, past Alice Holt to climb up to Binsted where we turned left going south on Church Street.

This small lane was initially undulating & it was here that Jennie suffered a rear derailleur cable breakage.

Regular readers of this blog would remember Diane having a similar "mechanical" recently & then as now our CMMBRT, Simon sprung into action assessing the problem & providing a temporary solution (a stone of certain size & diameter to wedge the derailleur hanger to run on the mid range cog).

Fortunately, this approach lasted pretty much the rest of the ride.

Lunch was at Café Hogmoor on the outskirts of Bordon & despite being over-run with families we managed to get a table.


We were back on the road by 1.45pm & riding the traffic free roads going east past Frensham Ponds was....bliss.

Little Latte at Tilford provided warmth, comfort & a nice piece of cake.

And yes, the sun came out too! 


My thanks to Bernard (backmarking), various corner markers & everybody else for their company.....oh a special thanks to the guards on duty today at South Western Railway for not enforcing the "two bike rule", & not wanting to see my Senior Railcard on my turned off phone. 😂

Oh in case you were wondering, Patrick rode home as off. 😂

Legend: CMMBRT - Cheam Morden Mobile Bicycle Repair Technician

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Changes to train assisted this Sunday 16th February

 As is often the case with these rides, you put a specified train in the programme & it coincides with engineering work.

Such is life.

However, I've a worthy replacement starting & finishing at Farnham where Sunday's trains terminate.

9.30am platform 3 at Surbiton station, arrive earlier please, they do like prompt departures these days.

You need a "Sunday Out Return" £8.05 with a senior railcard.

I don't anticipate any problems with capacity (it's an 8 coach train that splits in half at Woking, so 4 coaches to Farnham).

As the lady says "please make sure you're travelling in the correct part of the train", arrival in Farnham 10.13.

At this point, I'll say that I have no idea of numbers (ie who's gonna turn up) so with this in mind I'll mention if we don't all get on the 9.30am then it's possible to travel on the 10.30am service, & still meet up with the ride in Farnham.

Elevenses is at Jo Neuros café in Downing Street on the one way system in Farnham town centre, about 5 minutes from the station (formally the Electric Bike café).

I've reserved a table under my name.

Here is the route:

As you can see, most of the climbs are in the morning but with a couple between tea & the station.

There is a short bit of off-road to cut off a corner.

Lunch is dependent on numbers, if we're a smaller group then it's to Café Hogmoor in Bordon, if we're a larger group then the Chocolate Frog Tearoom at Oakhanger is preferable.

Tea is at Little Latte in Tilford.

Return trains are two an hour.

Historically, to aid with the logistics of travelling with a group of cyclists on a train, some folk have gone earlier (there is a 8.30 train) & some have driven down & I would appreciate any help in this respect.

My email

My WhatsApp/Text/Phone 07312095543.

GPX file on request by email.

It should be a great day out & I look forward to seeing you, either at Surbiton or Farnham.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Ride Report - Sunday 9 February 2025


Our elevenses meets at Vineries Garden Centre usually attract large numbers, but not so today, although we did still manage a quorum!   It may have been down to the weather - forecasts for the day did suggest more of the same bone-chilling, damp gloom that has characterised this winter, and conditions on the previous couple of days had been pretty revolting!

In fact, contrarily, the morning actually started with hazy sunshine - just visible through the steady rain - but the sun did nothing to relieve the icy chill!    The weather failed to deter hard riders Diane, Andy, Simon, Carolyn and John from joining me (anything but a hard rider, and only there, reluctantly, because I was down to lead) for elevenses at a table carefully picked to draw maximum glove-drying potential from the overhead heaters!

Not Tennyson's 'many tower'd Camelot', just Woking town centre!

At length we left Carolyn and John to head home while the remaining four of us set off on a shambolic meander towards Woking, taking in a few of my favourite bits of route in the area, and trying a new permutation of approaching the Wisley A3 crossing.

Fortunately, we were spared any 'events' en route and, after lunch huddled round the fire at the Herbert Wells, we headed back to Walton via Horsell and Stonehill with my Garmin on auto-pilot!    I thanked the others for their company then left them to thaw out at Walton Marina, while I hurried on home to carry out an urgent internet search for "treatments for frostbite"!

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Sunday 9 February 2025 - Please Note Changes!

Our ride on Sunday 9 February was planned to be from Dorking to Cranleigh.   Andy will now be offering a very similar (but certainly better!) version in March, so, to avoid any duplication, I have made alternative plans for my 9 February ride.

We will now be meeting for elevenses at Vineries Garden Centre, Effingham, and continuing to lunch at The Herbert Wells, Woking.

Please note this change.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Sunday 02/02/2025 Ride to Staines-Upon-Thames

Ten years ago we used the cable car to celebrate my 70th birthday. Currently e-bikes are not allowed.

I awoke to discover gloomy January had been transformed into frosty but sunny February with clear blue skies. In Bushy Park we were soon into double figures so quick decisions were taken:

(1) lunch: The George Staines aka Spoons;
(2) two ad-hoc groups led by me and Dave W; contact would be 'line of sight'. 

It was not a success. After exiting via Hampton Hill Gate we "dwelt" near Roy Grove(and the posh schools). It soon became clear that Dave had taken a different route Broad Lane!?

We continued towards Hanworth then BP to Ashford where we "dwelt" a second time after losing the back markers! Again no joy. Surprisingly we were first to arrive at The George in Staines soon to be joined by the rest of the riders. 

After the morning failures we opted for a single group and managed to lose nobody on the return. Along the way I pointed out the one time Holloway Sanatorium (where Bill Bryson worked), and a crowded Rose and Crown in Thorpe Green. Next came Lyne, St Peters and Addlestone before a lengthy visit to Walton Marina. A modest 30 miles door to door.

For the record Dave's route included Bronze prison and Shortwood Common.

The 2024 Photo Competition has closed

Please note that the photo competition is now closed to new entries. Thank you to numerous people who have sent in their photos.

~ Tim

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Invitation to the 2025 Annual Lunch

CTC SWL Annual Lunch and Prizegiving

5th March 2025 at 12:30 for lunch at 1 p.m.

We are delighted to tell you that Jennie has booked the Ristorante Sorrento (379 Ewell Road, Tolworth, KT6 7DE) for our annual lunch.

This has proved to be a most popular venue for the occasion since our first visit in 2018 and we are pleased to be able to hold the event there again.

The set price for our three-course lunch will be £23.45. This includes a 10% service charge, but does not include any drinks, coffee or tea. This is our menu:

click on the menu to enlarge

Please book by placing your order, and pay in advance by Sunday 16th February.

We expect the occasion will be attended by over 60 members, as it has been in recent years.

Please send an email message to Tim Court with your order for (i) a starter and (ii) a main meal. The waiters will take your orders for dessert after the main course on the day.

The preferred method of payment (£23.45) is a direct transfer via your online banking facility, but we can also accept cash or a cheque. For online payment please ask Tim C for our bank details if you don’t already have them. For a cash or cheque payment please check with Tim or your section representative. For anyone who has yet to pay their 2025 club subscription please consider adding your £2 when you pay for your lunch.

Any food allergies, dietary disorders or Vegan requirements must be notified to Tim when you advise your order so that these details can be noted and passed to the restaurant staff.

All ride leaders please note that your teams should be delivered to the restaurant by 12.30 p.m. so that everyone will have time to buy drinks, chat, and browse the photography exhibition, and settle down ready to confirm orders with the waiting staff.

Thank you

Tim C

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday 26th January 2025 - Storm Herminia


From left - Ruth, Martina, Sarah, Jan, me.

My heroes are assembled in the above picture. 

The most awful day to be on a bike.

Nuff said.

Friday, January 24, 2025

IMPORTANT - Changes to this Sunday's ride 26th January

 Hi all,

Elevenses remains Squires, Long Ditton where you find a table number, return to the counter to order (& pay).

Following a recce today, the published lunch destination (Stepping Stones, Westhumble) has many bookings & no (spare) tables on Sunday.

So Lizzie is ready to welcome us at the Headley Tea Rooms where you'll find a selection of sandwiches & hot food.

Tea location remain the same, but it's likely to be raining by then.

Hope you can join me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sunday 19th January 2025

 From Bernard

It’s hibernation season in the Cheam and Morden cycling universe…this will last until about mid March to early April when the temperatures hopefully rise and stay in the double digits.  Veteran bike watchers familiar with this species of cyclist get very excited to spot a small group of feisty C&M’s out and about at this time of year…this does happen but you have to know when and where to catch a sight of this blue and yellow creature…similar in  behaviour in many respects to the common sparrow…sociable, liking to gather in small groups and particularly  fond of eateries and watering holes; they have been known to exert themselves out of their warm retreats simply to congregate and chatter with each other and then go straight back to their cosy duvets and resume hibernation.

On this winter’s Sunday a local and intrepid bike watcher spotted  a group of C&M’s chirping away at the Weatherspoons.  Another bike watcher reported that a solitary C&M was seen in a little café opposite keeping watch on her fellow creatures.  This was a novel behaviour never before observed and will be reported in ‘Bike Watchers World’…the general consensus amongst expert Bike Watchers is that this solitary creature is a true C&M but with a particular behaviour evolved over time…to what end no one is sure but it is bound to cause endless scientific debate amongst the Bike Watches community…we could be witnessing an evolutionary development in the C&M species before our very eyes but it is too early to say…watch this space.

So whilst the majority of the C&M community were doing everything and anything but cycling…but must probably indoors snuggly tucked into their duvets an errant bunch had ventured out to skit about the Surrey Hills.  

So there we were…so many clothes and layers that we could hardly move our arms or legs never mind ride our bikes.  But somehow we were oblivious to our plight and on our bikes we got…chirping away like our sparrow cousins.  It wasn’t long before we were grinding our way up High Barn Road and burning thighs were added to freezing finger tips and toes.  And if that wasn’t enough another hellish hill in the shape of Green Dene awaited us.  Red kites swished above us…circling…and circling…always there…waiting!!!!  

I was on paper at least leading our intrepid group but in truth this group didn’t need any leading consisting as it did of some C&M veterans…but what they gave me was the opportunity to learn to lead and gain confidence which was very generous of them.  Of course Sabina was there to whisper in my ear when needed the correct direction and I don’t think anyone noticed!  I had my garmin and my ride with gps which once or twice contradicted each other but luckily and ironically neither froze on this occasion.  We reached the garden centre at Clandon and true to C&M nature we tucked into our food and chirped away very happily about everything and anything under the sun.  The only slight hiccup encountered was on trying to exit the garden centre…just before the exit doors there was a particularly warm zone and we all stopped and remained there not wanting to venture out…but we did…eventually!

It was a flat straight home run to our café stop and end point Cobham via Hungry Hill Lane which made us all look forward to some well earned cake.  We departed on our separate ways home to join the rest of our kind in slumberland and for another spell of hibernation until next time…maybe…depending on how cold it is!!!

Thanks to:

David (Ward) for the route.

Simon for back marking.

Andy, Niall, Ruth, Martina, Keith, Sabina, Maddie and Terry (joined us for lunch) and Ed (joined us for elevenses) for being such great co riders.

Up one of the hills

Keith giving us a masterclass in hill climbing

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Join Us For a Ride From Epsom on Sunday 19 Jan 2025

Sunday's ride on 19th January will start from the Weatherspoons in Epsom.  We hope to leave as soon as possible after 10:30 am, and therefore we can meet up for breakfast or coffee or tea etc from 9:30 onwards.  

The ride will take us into quintessentially English countryside along the North of the Surrey Hills going through Great Bookham, Effingham and onto Clandon where we will stop for lunch at Edwins Garden Centre where they have a fine selection of hot food, cakes and beverages.  

The afternoon stretch will lead us onto Cobham where we can all decide where we would like to have tea/coffee and cake.  

For the most part the ride is flat but there are one or two steep hills to climb when we enter the Surrey Hills, notably High Barn Road and Ranmore Common Road...but we will ride at a an inclusive pace to ensure everyone has an enjoyable day out on this winter's day in the countryside.

You will find the route at

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday 12 Jan - An Uneventful Ride

What do you want from a ride?   Hidden lanes, surprises, views, a few interesting hills?  A decent distance, a bit of a challenge?  Sunshine is a must, of course.

The hardy seven (photo by Andy)

And then comes January, with its icy blast.   Those ideals are buried beneath the permafrost, and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is stripped right down to the basics.   Survival.  Sustenance.   Of course we could just stay beneath our duvets for the colder days of January, but for some, it's important to do some sort of a ride with friends.   We were gifted zero-ish temperatures with no sunshine by the weather men.  So the objective was for a boring ride in which nothing happened.   No falling off on ice.   No traffic-free, frosty roads.   No zooming down hills towards unknown hazards.   Preferably no frostbite.

These objectives were largely met for our ride to Windsor today.   A group of seven adventurers gathered in the far north of Twickenham.   Brian and Graham were only here for the beer, and went home again with a few miles and an attendance point under their belts.   The others followed me on a well-tested route around the north of Heathrow, through the villages of Sipson and Longford to get to Windsor.

Maddie trying to revive Andy

The offer of an indoor lunch at The Windsor Pie Cafe was rejected by a small balance of opinion, so we ate at Cinnamon Cafe.   All too soon it was time to go back out in the cold, and we went the flat way home; along the Runnymede cycle path and through Thorpe and Chertsey to Shepperton for teas and chat.   A lot of chat.   It was approaching sunset when we left.

I counted them all out, and I counted them all back in again.   A successful, uneventful ride.   Thank you all for your company, and thanks to David W for back-marking.  I hope everyone made it home and has now thawed out.   Let's do it all again next week.

Temperature chart

Friday, January 10, 2025

This Sunday's ride to Windsor

I had planned a highly exciting ride, but in view of the forecast cold weather, my ambition has been scaled scaled back to go on roads that should be ice-free.  I did a recce today after a very cold night, and there was no ice except for a couple of small frozen roadside puddles.  Lunch is at Windsor, either at Cinnamon Cafe or its sister establishment the Windsor Pie Cafe, which shares some of the same menu, plus pies!   And it's also indoors, with heating.   About 16 miles to lunch from Twickenham, and 14 back to tea at Shepperton.  The biggest hill is the climb up to Windsor Castle, although there are several serious motorway bridges to climb over.

You are warmly invited to join me for the ride:  11s at Twickenham Wetherspoons, The William Webb Ellis, which has bike parking just opposite, just outside the police station.   Wrap up warm.


Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Invitation to enter the 2024 Photo Competition

Attendance for all groups was high in 2024 and many have been off on other adventures too. So we hope that you have been busy with your cameras and phones and are keen to review your photos and send the best ones in for the competition.

Please submit your photos before the end of January using this method:

Visit this website: '2024 Competition Dropbox' and follow instructions to select and deliver your photos. This is what you should see:

N.B. When using this website to post photos to the Dropbox it is not necessary to sign up to, or log into Dropbox even if you are invited to do so.

Click on 'Add files' to select the source of your photos then select your photos (or folders), or if you already have your file list open just drag and drop photos from the list into the white box.
Once you have selected one or several photos fill in your name and email address then click 'Upload'.

Send an email to me, Tim, to provide this important information about each photo:

  •           the photo filename (e.g. P1040276.jpg)
  •           a caption which we will inscribe on your photo
  •           the competition category (see below)

The rules and categories are simple. The full 'Competition Rules' document is available under the 'Information Hub' heading on our website.

Competition Period: Photos taken during the 2024 calendar year.

Your photos must all illustrate a connection to cycling by depicting a bicycle or cyclist for example, or some obvious cycling association.

You may submit two photos in each category:

  6.1. Male      one or more male cyclists
  6.2. Female    one or more female cyclists
  6.3. Action    cyclist(s) in action
  6.4. Scenery   scenery or landscape
  6.5. Building  buildings, architecture
  6.6. Humorous  funny or amusing
  6.7. Group     any mix of male and female cyclists

Note that the award for a winning photograph in each category will be given to the photographer who took the picture, not to the model(s).

This method for submitting photos should work with any device (PC, Apple, iPad, iPhone, Tablet or Android phone) but if it doesn't work for you, please let me know so that we can address the problem. It does depend on you being able to locate the folder in your phone, tablet or PC where you store your photos. It does not require you to install the DropBox software.

This is the best way of sending photos. Please note that some methods of transmitting photos, such as WhatsApp, shrink the photo before sending, diminishing the quality of the original photo as it is in your camera or phone.

We're looking forward to seeing your photos. Note that this year Andy and I will be collaborating to organise the competition.

~ Tim and Andy

January, 2025

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Ride Report - Sunday 5th January 2025

Much like the Inuit having many words for snow, the C&M have their own numerous references for rain - and we were soon sitting by the fire in The Edmund Tylney reminiscing about previous wet rides - David W, Andy, Clive and I, along with Brian who came not intending to ride (and not looking particularly upset about it). Simon and Maddie arrived subsequently, and we decided on a slightly late departure while hoping the rain might ease.

Before the Two 'Spoons ride became a One 'Spoon ride

I floated the idea of a shorter route, but some were up for the original plan to head to Woking via Fetcham, Downside, Ockham, around Wisley and through Pyford - nothing spectacularly innovative but a nice route along familiar lanes both before and after lunch. The first motion to pass by the Ponds coming out of Leatherhead was denied, as we were running late, but the second motion to amend the route over Bookham Common was welcomed to avoid a muddy stretch. Simon kindly offered to point out the giraffe, which some of us were unaware of, and we continued on until I remembered that I didn't want to ride to Woking in the rain and persuaded everyone that Ripley would be much nicer / more sensible. By now time was against us and I don't think anyone minded too much.   

I forget exactly where we encountered the first flooded road, or how many there were, but we got through them all ok until we came to Rose Lane just before Ripley where two things happened - David punctured and a chap in a large-wheeled jeepy thing cheerfully told us that there was a 2-foot deep flood on the road ahead. Andy wasn't having it and decided he would press through it into Ripley to get a table in Pinnock's while the rest of us (bar David needing to fix his puncture) took a detour, on which Maddie then also punctured. Fortunately she was able to continue on to Ripley where Andy was mission accomplished and Simon "helped" fix the puncture. Service was quick but it was still 2pm before we left, continuing the Plan B route in intermittent rain through Pyrford, West Byfleet, New Haw, Addlestone and Weybridge, to The Boathouse at Walton Marina. It's a rare ride where all but one makes it to tea, so I'll take that as a win.

Andy's victory wave

The Survivors

Thanks everyone for coming out on a wet day with flooded roads, to Simon for back-marking and puncture repair service, and to all for your inputs and good humour as it all went a little pear-shaped. 

Friday, January 03, 2025

Plans for Sunday 5th Jan 2025

This Sunday the yellow weather warning remains in place until midnight, however the Met Office forecast currently is for much warmer and wetter weather than today (Friday). 

So I will present my original plan to ride from The Edmund Tlyney, Leatherhead to The Herbert Wells, Woking, in our first Two Spoons ride of 2025 - no doubt there will be more! It will be mainly on-road apart from the usual stony route across Bookham Common, a distance of approx. 16 miles to lunch, and a further approx. 11 miles all on-road to tea at The Boathouse, Walton Marina.  

Nothing too exciting or challenging. If the weather is too unpleasant I'll have a shorter route waiting up my soggy sleeves. 

Komoot route is here:

Ride with GPS route is here: 

I do hope you can join me.