Walton on the Hill to Reigate - via the Brockham, Leigh and Flanchford canal.
Waiting by the sun-dappled waterside at Walton-on-the-Hill were three sleek cyclists - Ed, Geoffrey and Paul. The proposal was a warm-up circuit in sunny Surrey leading to 11's at Reigate, before heading East. The gods had other ideas. After we had swooped down Pebble Hill, the gathering clouds released their first warning salvo. Shall we stop to cape up? Probably yes. Having topped Root Hill and turned towards Leigh, the spits and spots became cats and dogs. In no time shoes were overflowing, capes useless (Geoffrey doesnt have any truck with capes), and I began to wonder if I should have earthed the handlebars against lightning strikes. Lightning flashed, thunder cracked, the gods were not content. Cycling had become white-water rafting. There was little point in seeking shelter. Somehow we managed to reach harbour at Reigate to moor at Morrisons.
After a few minutes of baling out our shoes and sock-wringing, we dripped our way into the supermarket. No words were needed to agree where next. An unspoken understanding told us that our next port of call would be home. No further storm-battered venturer joined us - they were either still in port or lost at sea. We shall resume our course another day.
Post Ride Note:
In the light of a review, it has been established that the leader's navigation was adrift; he dropped anchor in the wrong port. Graham's and Terry's compass reading was accurate, despite the squally conditions, and they hove to at the specified destination of the Reigate Garden Centre. The Commissaire (Jeff) has accordingly adjudicated that the leader should be disqualified and receive nul points. There will be no appeal.