Monday, September 03, 2007

Sunday 2nd September 2007

Apparently Pete B tried phoning me last night in order to find out my route to Shere, just as well I was unavailable because I was making it up as I went along-first climbing to Headley then harder than expected Ranmore arriving to find Graham, Terry, Pete B, Frank plus wife in The Lucky Duck.

Another "endless coffee" & flushed of £1.80 we were away climbing up past the council workers responding to and a steady 14mph? ensued as I felt good on the bike and everybody appeared to be keeping up.

Just after Cranleigh Ed made some comment about my speed and him being over 70 which I ignored and just before 1pm we rolled into Wisborough Green.

Some chose the Cricketers PH, the rest a public bench overlooking the green.

After a take-away coffee from Penelope's, we assembled (Graham, Simon, Don, Ed, Pete B, Terry, Keith, Roger and myself) for the return.

"What's the hurry" says Keith as we paused to survey damage caused by low flying metal. Well as it turned out, Holmwood was open and welcoming, a good substitute for Capel.

Distance-too far.

Ave speed-too fast.

The picture shows a sodden Brompton rider in the Smithfield Nocturne.

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