After a dull and misty start, the warmth of the sun and the masses of bluebells were sure signs that spring was in the air. There were but eight at Beare Green; three from Cheam, the rest by divers ways and means (Andy by train to Dorking - punctures (allegedly)). Leaving Bob behind, we (Keith, Andy, Ed, Geoff, Graham, Terry and Tony) headed through Capel and along Friday Street and then down past the landfill into Horsham. Christ's Hospital was soon in view and after initial confusion, the George And Dragon at Dragons Green was located - a target which had been in doubt at 11s. That we were there just after one was testament of a strong tailwind with speeds in the high teens common. Cooked meals only was the house rule so most went hungry after rejecting the alternative, "cheesy chips". A pint of watery Ribena cost 30p encouraging even youknowwho to dip into his pockets. After a quick sprint along the A272, we turned north through Southwater "new town" and into the centre of Horsham. The outward route was then followed back to Capel, but using Old Holbrook instead of the landfill climb. After a cakey interlude, we left Ed to fix a puncture at the church and went our various ways - 75+ miles for me.
Capel Dates for 2008: May 4, 5, 11, 25, 26 June 8, 15, 21 July 6, 20 August 3, 16, 24, 25 September 6, 7, 21 October 5, 19 November 2, 23.
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