I was last to 11s beaten by Ed's main road superdirecttisma from Cheam to Wetherspoons Guildford which easily seated our 13. Bribed by a free tea, I led south past Liddell sisters and White Rabbit onto the newly signed NCN 22 route. Taking the first right(A248) after Shalford brought on a senior moment and we returned for an illegal right back onto A281. In which point I realised I'd been correct all along but too late thus we reached the crematorium via Trunley Heath Road. On Farncombe Hill a new pair of legs was high in my thoughts! Pausing by Charterhouse, Ed and I swapped alumni (BP, Paxman, Genesis minus PC). Left through Hurtmore sent us under the A3 and then right towards Shackleford looking at its best in the soft spring sunshine. And so we came to free range pigs and Puttenham where lunch was alfresco at a crowded Good Intent until the disappearing sun sent us scurrying for warmth. As we were leaving, Ed spotted something highly desirable before back we went along NCN 22 (North Downs Way) to Watts. There we headed up the hill to the A3/A31 junction and along the track down to the bridge in Guildord where this story ends with me seeking the Wey north and the pack heading up the High Street for Clandon Park (not Newlands).
At least two cyclosportives, West Surrey Sunday riders and sundry younger/fitter riders were proof (if any were needed) that it had been a fine spring day. Finally you can see the R-word in the background for the next five Sundays (BBC 2 2100-2200)
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