Monday, July 02, 2012

Sunday July 1

Winds easing and sunny....  they said. So when eleven of us emerged from Nottcuts at Laleham we were met with a grey sky and sufficient drizzle to don waterproofs. Fortunately they weren't needed for long and after a gentle run along the Thames we stopped at Staines to remove them. Then out to Wraysbury where we went straight on for a change and through Horton to Colnbrook. After a short detour along Hollow Hill and Billet lanes we rejoined the long straight north through Iver Heath to Pinewood. After a rough descent of Alderbourne Lane we crossed the ford and climbed Hawkswood Lane over the M40. A large hole in St Huberts Lane diverts the cars but there's enough room for bikes. From here we cut through Dukeswood Drive on the edge of Gerrards Cross and into Hedgerley Lane arriving at the White Horse from the north ( unsusually it seemed). Here Daniel joined us after missing us at Laleham. After a good lunch and the usual interesting choice of ales we headed off up Kiln Lane. It was leader's luck rather than planning that our long run down Park and Green Lanes through Burnham Beeches meant we barely noticed that this was our stretch into the wind. And so to Dorney where we took the Jubilee River path emerging across the playing fields of  Eton onto the Datchet road. Then came what can only be described as the Old Windsor roundabout mutiny! Now an amicable discussion at lunch or even a regrouping halt about the proposed tea stop is fair enough but to be abandoned by half your flock in mid roundabout is a bit much. There was muttering about it being two hours home .... and this from a group that had tea in Southwater last week! Still, five of us tackled Crimp Hill without fuss and enjoyed a sunny tea in Savill Gardens,  36 miles from elevenses. Away at 4.30 I was home in Ashtead at 6. The joy of a tailwind!

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