Many apologies to any who reached the Vineries expecting a leader. During rain that fell near Malden Rushett, I managed to skid on something slippery; result:- a posterior dislocation of my right shoulder for the third time and "rouging" of my upper lip.
And it doesn't stop there: Wednesday sees my first physio session. And my slow heart rate requires a chat with my GP.
Graham, I'm very sorry to hear of your mishap. I guess that your shoulder dislocation required some hospital manipulation to replace it. As for your slow heart rate, if it was good enough for Indurain it should be good enough for you. I would be grateful!
I do hope that the 'Croix de Fer' required no restorative surgery. With a name like that it should be indestructible.
I trust that you have been given no unwelcome medical advice to stay out of the saddle. As I know, if you do not want the wrong answer, don't ask the question.
Hope to see you on two wheels soon.
Best wishes,
Graham, hopes its not to bad and you are able to get on the bike ASAP.
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