We went up past Sheepleas to the top of Combe Down then down into Shere (Bray is still up for let/sale). From the railway bridge it was east along Hook Lane then south down Jesses Lane where Dave stopped in a failed attempt to clear the gap betwixt tyre and mudguard. At usual Peaslake's was crammed with MTBers as we continued to Ewhurst thence Walliswood.
I hadn't booked as a full length ride seemed unlikely during Saturday's storms. Most had to settle for a bowl of chips; apologies to all! We weren't alone as casual visitors all suffered the same fate.
Dave (in Ewhurst), Vic and Keith had departed separately for home so only five remained to head up Weare Street and into Capel where the Petes turned off right for Newdigate. Close to the Beare Green roundabout I was crackered but Terry obliged by taking over the lead. They were soon gone from view but it mattered not as Terry suffered a slow in Punchbowl Lane. Surprising all five(! thanks to PB's broken chain) of us were reunited at the A25 where we went our separate ways.
60+miles door to door. Clearly my legs need more miles and fewer hills.
1 Point: Bob, Ed
2 Points : GFH, Ann, Dave, Keith, Petes B and F, Terry, Vic
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