Thursday, December 26, 2019

How far did you go in 2019?

Annual Mileages 2019

Dear All,
As I said last year and as I now repeat almost verbatim, (yawn), old hands will know that, at this time of year, we request members to submit their mileage record for the past 12 months: that is, from 1st Jan to 31 Dec 2019. We keep an annual running total on the MWW blog under the tab 'mileage'. Perhaps you have never noticed it.

It is of personal, though sometimes perhaps sobering interest, to see one's annual and cumulative mileage and it is of value to the Group to be able to report how many miles our members have ridden.
Please therefore take the trouble to remind yourself to take note of your annual mileage for 2019 before the witching hour of 23.59.59 on 31 December and then to send it to me by whatever communication method you feel most comfortable with. Apologies to W. Churchill for ending that sentence with a preposition, up with which he would not put. Pigeon post or snail mail welcome.
Otherwise, a grubby piece of paper will suffice, if identifiable.
For the male and female member (those are at present still the only categories that we recognise), who clocks up the greatest annual mileage, your achievement will be recognised at our annual lunch. There will also be recognition for the member who has cycled more miles in 2018 than any other member, and for the greatest personal increase in mileage over the previous year.

Please note that entries will only be eligible for a prize from members who are regular riders with at least one section of the club. 
I look forward to receiving your mileage, however modest. It is most unlikely to be less than mine. Make the most of every opportunity to tuck in those extra few miles. You may be closer to that target than you realised.
Seasons greetings to all,

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