Friday, April 14, 2023

AGM 2023

When I arrived at the Old Moat, I found 15 regular C&M'ers. "Best day of the year so far" was a common sentiment so we settled on a picnic/AGM in Richmond Park. Eleven (Ed, Tony, Alan, Simon, Terry, Robert, Dave W, Pam, Maureen, Anne and GFH) were keen to attend. The rest (Diane, Bernard, Sabine, and Bob) had other ideas.

Early morning inspection ruled out off-roading so Ed led us through West Ewell to the Hogsmill River. Here a change of leader saw me steering the group through Malden Manor and Berrylands to the Stanley Picker Gallery. Across Fairfield and east along the newish London Road cyclepath came next. Here some raided Asda, and later others pop into the Coop. The picnic site was close to Kingston Gate. The AGM started promptly at one and was soon over leaving time for leisurely tea 3/4 mile away in Latchmere Road Rec. 

A very modest 19 miles door to door.

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