Sunday, September 17, 2023

Trying to find the Isle of Wight.....Ride Report 17/09/23

...on Bookham Common.

The day began with 9 at Stoke D'Abernon which over the next 40 minutes reduced to 5. I chose to go south-west via the Tilt Road to Ockham & East Clandon where we took Blakes Lane going east to join the rather busy A246.

There were a plethora of cyclists out on this rather humid & overcast late summers day & all were, I suspect, aware of an approaching thunderstorm.

"The Drift" is a joy to ride along with basically a brand new hole filling here. 😀

Graham had assured me the suitabilty of the off-road section across to Fetcham (the first left after crossing Eff Junc r/w bridge).

And sure enough it was a good choice.

But it has to be said I have great difficulty choosing the correct track across Bookham Common & have got lost more than once.😬

And sure enough at a four finger post....took the wrong turning.

As Simon quite rightly pointed out much later in the pub......."you should of gone left there".

The sky was darkening and with the whiff of rain in the air we all agreed to lunch at The Edmund Tylney instead of The Assembly Rooms. (Apologies to any folk hoping to meet us there 😬)

After two hours of chit-chat, a mildly annoying chap talking nonsense, & an appearance by Keith, we went our separate ways.

Thanks to Graham, Terry, Tony, Pam & Maureen (to 11's or shortly after)....David & Jennie, Simon, Colin G for your company all day. 

PS It did rain......but not as much as the forecast indicated.

1 comment:

Simon L said...

20:20 hindsight!