Monday, December 18, 2023

Sunday 17/12/23 - Old Moat to Surbiton Spoons and no further!

Bright sunshine and mild temperatures drew a sizable crowd to the Old Moat. I counted at least 16 but not all were there for the ride. A crow had warned "less than four miles" hence the snake like route - a homage to my formative years.

With off-road scoring nul point we headed northeast then northwest (Horton Lane and Chessington Road) around Horton Country Park A left 300 yards beyond Ruxley Lane led to strings of suburban semis as we continued to Chessington South station. The A3 tunnel was known to be flooded so more semis came and went in Claygate, Hinchley Wood, and Long Ditton. Nearing our target, we veered off to Southborough where most of its grand 19c mansions have been replaced by blocks of late 20c/21c flats.

Across the Ewell Road is "between the wars" Surbiton where we descended  to Berrylands station. Next came a Sikh temple and the much larger Kingston sewage works (with a hint of its perfume). The final climb took us past two pubs, Rising Sun and Railway Tavern (both long gone now flats), and my Grammar School (1956-63) before a gentle descent to Spoons (aka Ritz cinema) - about 13 miles. 


GPX link (hopefully):

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