Monday, May 13, 2024

Sunday the 12th May

 What a glorious day for a long ride. I was the first to get to the NT cafe, I left home too early and arrived at 9.45, but Simon arrived soon after, then Andy and Niall. Graham joined us ,but left to do his own ride when we departed. We moved inside as there was no shade what so ever outside. It was funny not to have to have Dave with us, wishing him a speedy recovery,  as he says, "things fall apart when I'm not there" Sim

Bray Churh Yard

Very little wind made it a speedy ride, through Windsor, and a chance meeting with some other cyclist friends. On through Bray and a photo stop in Bray church yard, courtesy of Andy. At Waltham St Lawrence we took Sill Bridge lane and into Plough lane and onto Hurst, passing an old favourite, the Green Man. 

As usual, a photo at the CTC sign the Castle Inn and a decision by the group to change this as our lunch stop. A good choice, child's fish & chips on the menu and it sorted 3 of us for lunch, we sat in the garden, we will muse this venue again.

A childs Fish & Chips, we are kids at heart

We were soon on our still heading south and passing Dinton Pastures, then heading East using quiet country lanes. Back to Waltham St Lawrence and Paley Street back to Windsor, passing Fifield, where sadly the 2 giant heads of the old Queen and Prince Philip are no more, sold I believe, it looks like the house has been sold, we headed into Windsor farm shop for tea, but alas, the close at 3pm, so back to the NT cafe, most had ice creams. At this point I left the group and headed home solo to my daughters birthday party, they waited for me before bringing out the cake, so only a minor telling off. A great day on the bike, than you Simon, Andy and Niall for your company

The Castle Inn, Hurst

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