Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ride Report - Sunday 30 June


Well, it wasn't exactly 'flaming June' this morning, rather unexpectedly cool, windy and damp!  But his did not deter Tony H, Simon, Niall, Dave and Jennie J, Pam, Liz, Brenda, Keith, Eric, Graham and Geoff from joining me at The Pheasantry for a hastily rearranged elevenses!

All chose to set off with me on the ride to lunch (taken al fresco, at the Botwell Inn, Hayes), and, as well as featuring a Wetherspoons lunch, today's ride followed the typical Cheam & Morden pattern with a sewage works, various narrow and gloomy footpaths, a rugby stadium, a stately home, a canal, an international airport, and a giant dog sculpture all thrown in for good measure!   How cliched!

Thanks for your company, everyone, and thanks for putting up with it all!   Special thanks to Geoff for back-marking all day, to the sun for putting in an appearance in the afternoon, and to the wind for helping blow us back to tea at Shepperton lock!

1 comment:

Andrew J C said...

I was there too............honest.