Monday, August 26, 2024

Sunday 25th August 2024

According to Louise Lear, the South East of England has had only 19% of average rainful for August this year.

Nice, unless you're a gardener/allotment owner.

But today felt unseasonably cool for late August as I climbed up to Walton on the Hill & the village café.

Ten of us assembled including Cecilia joining us for the first time (collecting her bike from her car at the time of this pic taken by Pete B returning from a early morning TFB off-road ride).

Geoff, Dave S & Marilyn went no further. 

For the route see the next post.

Brian returned at the Seven Stars pub, Dave & Keith left us at Horley.

Negotiating Crawley is a breeze with a Garmin & Simon took this pic in Goffs Park.

Nice to see Terry at Capel.

A couple of punctures to report, Cecilia just north of Capel & Simon in Leatherhead.

Thanks to Simon for backmarking & everyone else for their company.

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