Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday 15th September 2024

Tanhouse the farm, bustling with bikers.

All without motors unlike at Rykas.

We totalled seven in all, outside we sat.

You know what we're like, havin' a chat.

Goodbye Terry, Brian & Steph.

Caroline too, just three of us left.

So bikes at the ready, southwards we rode.

Up Tower Road where some of us slowed.

Keith turned up just after we left.

Something about him having overslept.

Southwater Lake, we chose our table.

Lucky we did, some were unable.

Sunny & warm, very agreeable.

West Surrey CC were there, that's unforeseeable.

Capel & cakes tempted us away.

It's their speciality, being a Sunday.

View from Grouse Road, St Leonards Forest
View from Grouse Road, St Leonards Forest (credit to Eric)

Thanks to Diane, Eric (dining at his parents in Christs Hospital) & Keith for your company.

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