Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday August 24th 2008

After a morning of continuous drizzle, it was surprising to see 28 besmutted legs in Costa Coffee. The official party arrived last around noon; they had travelled via Tadworth for Meet The Petes, descended Pebblecombe, and wandered cross country to Rusper (where Ed punctured), Warnham (where Ed punctured again but slowly) and Tesco Broadbridge Heath.

Jake and Grant were still reacting to last week's 12 hours so home was a priority. Under clearing skies, the rest (Keith, Andy, Ann, Bob, Ed, Graham, Janice, Jeff, Paul Petes B and F, Steve) headed south initially down A264 before turning towards Barns Green. After crossing A272 at Coolham, a final wiggle delivered us to the Five Bells, Smock Alley around one thirty. Here forces divided; BYOs sat in the garden, drinkers indoors sampling this Camra local Pub Of The Year 2008.

Keith's inward and outward routes looked similar so I suggested an alternative using B2133. This took us through West Chitlington to Broadford Bridge then northwest to Adversane and the Limeburners. After a brief A272 flirtation, lanes went north to The Haven and Rudgwick. Then familiar roads lead to Ellen's Green and Okewood Hill before Weare Street provided a conduit to Capel for the cakes demolition and parting of the ways. Slighty over 80 miles and very pleasant once the rains had passed.

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