Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday, 17th November

Gomshall - Okewood Hill - Capel
Tellings at Gomshall

Some of the C&M at 11s
Our mid-morning watering hole at Gomshall was close to the flows of the Tilling Bourne and the A25, at a venue new to me called Tillings. Until recently it was a Thai restaurant, before that a pub called the Black Horse and before that please let me know. Generously tabled, nearly all were occupied and the spacious room was buzzing with a surprising number of people out for Sunday morning coffee. How does it attract such numbers? Breakfast portions were generous, with prices to match. The cake looked super-scrumptious, but remained intact. However, with the numbers to serve, service, while attentive, was not of the fastest.

Ed with his Trophy
With lunch just a hop away we dallied over elevenses and did not saddle up until gone 11.30, some for lunch and some for home. Our route from Shere was simple, due south up Sandy Lane and Hound House Rd to cross Winterfold Forest, down to Ewhurst and a sprightly pace along Horsham Rd and Froggetts Lane to Okewood Hill and the Punchbowl Inn. We were expected, with a comfortable corner of the Public Bar set aside for us. In great contrast to the previous Sunday at the unwelcoming Holmbush Inn at Faygate, our welcome was warm, the food and beer good. Special mention must be made of the excellent Badger ‘Hopeful Hop’. Here too we dallied, with ample time to digest our lunch, refresh our glasses and discuss with those with local knowledge the authentic name for Okewood Hill, Oakwood Hill or Oakwoodhill.. The road signs are not in harmony and the judgment of our friendly hostess was countermanded by the sign above the bar.  She claimed that ‘oke was a rivulet, though I can find no authority to confirm her belief.  It seems to be a Middle English form of ‘oak’.

Capel - I think I must scrap that camera!
With Capel Church close enough for us to hear the bells summon the faithful to tea and cakes at 3pm, we made another late departure, to arrive at Capel in good time tor the final cakefest of the year. Having taken our last rites, with dusk fast approaching, one by one we look our leave for home, most I imagine arriving on their thresholds in the dark and recording a late autumn mileage total of some 50 miles. We did do some cycling. The ladies of Capel are next due to regale us on Mothering Sunday, 30th March 2014.


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