Tuesday, October 03, 2017

It is a dead heat

A Result
In the light of nuggets now mined from the deepest recesses of the C&M collective memory, we have a result. It is a dead heat between Ed and Graham. I cannot remember this having happened before, at least not in my time. It takes a lot to compete with Ed on this front. It should also be noted that, although Graham posted the ride report for 16 April, 2017, the leader was Dave Ward.
So congratulations to Ed and Graham.

This result will no doubt be formally presented to Sunday's AGM, which I am sure that you will all be attending. The main item on the agenda may be: how to apportion the winning lunch to the Siamese gold medal winners? We may need Herr Junker or M. Michel Barnier to adjudicate. This might need referral to the supranational authority of the European Court of Justice, unless Boris Johnson objects. Otherwise, we shall decide for ourselves.


1 comment:

Tony said...

I believe Nigel Farage will be attending to adjudicate.