I feared worse but Storm Brian left us with blustery but bright weather, so no chance we would be emulating Sir Cloudesley Shovel on this day (OS) in 1707 .
Fourteen reached the Vineries; by 11.15 ten were ready more or less to continue on an obvious route along Orestan and Calvert Roads to the A246. Green Dene was officially closed but seemingly not to anyone who wanted to use it; something important - a rough surface and men in orange close to the sawmill turn-off. Down Coombe Bottom, through busy Shere and up the other side brought us to the railway bridge where we joined the Hilly 50 route. Thankfully there was only one car in Hoe Lane and it waited at the top of the climb. Leaving the course close to the Volunteer we reached The Royal Oak Holmbury St Mary spot on 1230. After initial confusion (loads of walkers) most settled for something substantial if I include child's portions.
After lunch our force divided with seven taking the official route along Sutton, Donkey and Hollow Lanes to the A25. Here Terry took over to lead us via NCN 22 to his abode in Dorking for tea and cake. A rather modest 48 miles door to door.
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