Monday, September 10, 2018

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Hail to the Leader

A very warm welcome to Pete Beyer, joining the C&M this time not as TEC,  but for the first time, I believe, proudly wearing  the leader's jersey. May this be the first of many.

From Graham's generously written ghost report, it seems that Pete put everybody through their paces, at some risk of inducing altitude sickness. That might explain the apparent omission of a ghost rider from Graham's list of enthusiastic attendees. Like our Hon. Sec., I too counted out a dozen riders. However, for me it was a baker's dozen. Or did those rheumy eyes imagine the misty form of Bob emerging from the the shadow of the nearby church? I'm sure that Bob will tell us: he never fails to chide me if his name is absent from the attendance record.

It was a pleasure to read of the ride I missed, with my leg up and a warm beer in hand.


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