Sunday, March 10, 2024

Ride Report - Sunday 10 March 2024


Here was a ride that was jinxed from the very start.   Our scheduled leader had already reported sick but thoughtfully found us a substitute.  As I sat down at elevenses at the Ferry Cafe a message came through that the sub was stricken down too!   The weather forecast was terrible.   What else could possibly go right?

Well, of course, disaster follows disaster and verily the voices did come unto me and told me to shepherd the remainder of the flock (just Paula, Pam and Andy, Tony and Graham having sensibly declined to join us) unto the Cinnamon Cafe at Windsor where we would find salvation and a 10% discount for Lycra!

And lo, we set off in completely the wrong direction, not an ideal start to the ride, but wild horses couldn't keep us from reaching lunch, or so I thought!   In fact they had a very good try at it as we crossed Shortwood Common!

The horse were actually very friendly and just inquisitive and allowed us to continue after only a short delay.   Once we had reached the furthest point from home, just as you would expect, the rain, which had so far lulled us into a false sense of security by being much less worse than expected, now set in with a vengeance, and was of Biblical intensity as we crossed a strangely deserted Windsor Bridge!

(Photo credits to Andy)

We dashed for cover at the Cinnamon Cafe, hoping to emerge again after lunch and find that the rain had stopped.   Unsurprisingly, we were disappointed and this aspiration was not realised!   In fact, if anything, it was raining harder on the way home, so it was a fast,  heads down, main road aquaplane all the way to Shepperton where we went our separate ways.   Moral - next time the voices do come unto me, I'll put my hands over my ears, close my eyes and sing loudly to myself!  

Thanks all for your company and for putting up with it!

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