Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday 14th July from Stoke d'Abernon, Cafe Barbara

I have enjoyed many Cheam and Morden rides over the years so decided I d better step up and lead one. Carolyn and I reccied a route that we thought might be enough to keep people happy. There was a good crowd at 11s, good to see Dawn, Geoff Gregory, Carolyn,Tony Hopkins, and Diane who got their 1 point apiece for 11s attendance. We set off at 11, being 10 - Terry, Colin, Eric, Simon, Dave W, Andy, Lillian, Madelaine,Chris and myself. The route was direct, we didnt turn at the Drift as it would have brought us out at West Horsley with the slightly more difficult part of Shere Road. Instead we passed the attractive brickwork of the houses at East Horsley and took Green Dene onto Chalk Lane, joining Shere Rd higher up. at the top 3 decided to take the North Downs Way direct to Newlands Corner. The remaining 6 descended to Shere and took first right to the ford. It was here that the differing opinions of the group resulted in a three way split. I had hoped that the whole rambling community would be in front of the TV as the footpath we took has an excellent surface and no gradient and avoids the traffic climbing out of Shere. Eric on a mountain bike took the bridleway that exited in the same place as us but had involved a tree rooty uphill narrow path through woods and which he reported not suitable for our bikes. Dave W sensibly backtracked to the usual route through Shere and met us. Perhaps on a Sunday the best option. New Road, Blacksmith Lane and the delightful ascent of Ha'penny Lane (Llamas lurking almost out of sight on the upper slopes of Chilworth Manor) brought us to lunch. The tables were in the shade and well chosen . There was a plea from Maddie over lunch for an extra point for wearing a dress but Andy's notebook remained firmly closed. After lunch all returned to the top of Staple Lane via the North Downs Way, apart from Lillian who went home direct and Eric who went to join his family for lunch.. A further split sent the majority Leatherwards with Terry, leaving a trio of Steph, Chris and Simon to legitimately claim their point for being at tea in Esher. A very pleasant day out in sunshine and good company.

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