Sunday, July 07, 2024

Sunday 7th July 2024

 The three riders that signalled their intention to join my ride were indeed the only riders that joined me today on this beautiful Summer's day.

Except it wasn't.....I don't normally wear merino wool in July.

Picking up Diane at Banstead, we arrived at 10.15 to be shortly joined by Brian who was pleased to find the A25 closed to vehicular traffic due emergency works between Buckland & Reigate.....bliss.

Dave made the quartet & we sat by the window in Morrisons enjoying our free doughnut/free drink refills but it really wasn't a day to sit by the window.

All we wished for was the rain to stop.

Just after 11, the rain stopped....but for how long?

Erm, not long at all & for the next 45 minutes it was either raining or raining heavily & I thought at some point somebody would holla out " I'm done...see ya later".

But no, this quartet was made of made of strong stuff & onwards we rode through the river that was our road.

At Parkgate, hurtling towards us was the annual Addiscombe Cycle Club Race.

Starting from Newdigate, these hardy souls with no mudguards or rain gear seemed to lap it up (no pun intended).

By a strange coincidence, whilst researching refreshment places, I found myself on their website which gave me the idea for today's lunch spot.....true story I kid you not.

It was drying up a little when we passed the Frog and Nightgown pub (mains only on Sundays but tea/cakes pretty much anytime during opening hours).

Quieter than a normal Sunday I suspect, the drying up continued at the Strawberry Fields café.

As I tap the keyboard, the email alert goes off.
Diane reminds me of the danger that bungee cords can cause if left unattended.

The busy & frankly dangerous crossing of the A264 again but further east to a bridleway crossing the railway where an unclosed gate could cost you £1000, to emerge at Sunnybrook Farm.

We just about got to Denbies when the heavens opened again.
But we cared little.
We were inside, it was warm & looking up at the vast glass roof witnessing a torrent of water with thunder & lightning thrown in for good measure.
Thankfully, the ride home was in warm sunshine.
Thanks to Dave, Diane & Brian for your company.

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